Saturday, April 11, 2015


Why has the new Ramazanoglu Masjid on Turgut Ozal Blvd in Adana has taken over 8 years to finish? and still needs more money to be completed?

the interior of the primary hall was completed to allow start of conducting prayer. Still need Air Conditioning system.

Samer Ramazanoglu with Shiekh Dogan Alci, the new Imam of the new Ramazanoglu Cami

External sections of the Cami still require completion

The exterior prayer hall still requires finishing.

Two years ago when I first met the Mufti of Cukurova in Adana for the first time, I discovered that the new Ramazanoglu mosque, for which the land was provided by the Ramazanoglu foundation, was supposed to be completed this year, this was one of the reasons I delayed the International Family reunion from 2013 to 2015.

Today when I met the new Mufti, I found that the masjid still require additional work to be completed, and according to the Mufti, it needs $800,000 more on various items, from finishing the outside, to a full air conditioning and heating system, etc.  The Mufti was surprised by my visit, but expressed his pleasure.

Samer Ramazanoglu with Cukurova Mufti Hussein Gun.

With the help of a friend to translate, I had this conversation with the honorable Mufti Hussein Gun of Cukurova, and I hope nothing gets lost in the translation.  My comments outside of the conversation are put inside parentheses.

Mufti Hussein:
Since 8 years we have been trying to finish this Mosque from donations by the good people of Adana, it is the second biggest Masjid in Adana after Masjid Sabunji which is today the biggest in Turkey (whose land was also donated by the Ramadan foundation).  We have decided along with the Turkish government to call it Ramazanoglu Cami (Masjid the son of Ramadan) in honor of the generosity that the family has provided over the course of history.

Mufti Hussein Continues:
The Masjid capacity is 4000 prayers and also has a conference room that can seat 600, and a large library also named the Ramazanoglu Library.  15 million Turkish Lira (about 8 million US dollars) have been spent on the Masjid so far and it still requires additional Two million Turkish Liras (USD $800,000) to finish, and donations have almost stopped.

Samer Ramazanoglu:
Why did the donations stop?

Mufti Hussein:
The people of Adana were expecting a bigger donation from the great Ramazanoglu family. Donations from said family members were not enough, so the people of Adana started wondering why?  A rich donor offered to give 5 million TL but have the masjid named after him, and this could not be possible, because it was the condition of the Turkish government to name is Ramazanoglu Cami.

Samer Ramazanoglu:

The problem is that those who say they are Ramazanoglu today in Adana only number 35, most of them are old and secular and do not even come to the Masjid (perhaps they do not even pray).  Most family members immigrated to other provinces and numerous countries around the world.  Most of them do not know anything about this Masjid, let alone their history or where they come from.  The average citizen of Adana today knows more about the Ramazanogullari history than most family members know about their own family history.  So how will the sons of Ramadan know about the issues facing the completion of this Masjid?  Most family members fled for their lives from Adana, time after time, it started in 1608 with the revolt against Pir Mansur Pasha Ramazanoglu, and it ended with the invasion of Adana in 1914 by the French army who were searching for Ramazanoglu family members to hang them.  Sure our family is great in name, but their numbers in Cukurova are not that high.  Do you know that there are over 500 Ramazanoglu in Beirut alone? and family members who have reached as far as Ecuador are twice as many as the ones in Adana today.

Mufti Hussein:
(Nods in agreement)

Samer Ramazanoglu:
Dear honorable Mufti, the sons of Ramadan continue to be givers and generous.  Some have carried on in the tradition of their ancestors building Masajods and Madrassas where ever they go. One example is my brother Ziad who was the prime contributor to building the 3rd largest mosque in USA in Massachusetts (the Worcester Islamic Center) and establishing Al-Huda Islamic Private School. He, like most family members never knew that their history was from Adana and have never been to Turkey.  This is one of the reasons I have organized a first international family reunion and heritage tour to inform family members of their family history.  In our program we plan to visit this new Ramazanoglu Masjid, and you can talk to them about the needs of this Masjid and I am sure anyone who is capable will not hesitate to donate for a Sadaqa Jareyah especially that it also carries their name. 

Mufti Hussein:
SubhanAllah, last night I saw a dream, an old man with the light coming from his face cam to me and told me do not worry, the Masjid will be completed... and today you come and visit me.

Samer Ramazanoglu:
SubhanAllah, may Allah guide us to always do what pleases him.

Mufti Hussein:
I hope your tour program includes a dinner here with us.  We will invite the city Muftis, and Vali of Cukurova and Adana as well as important dignitaries and donors of the Masjid, for everyone has high respect to your family's history in this region.

Samer Ramazanoglu:
God willing we will have our dinner at the conference room of the Masjid on May 1.

Note: The Muftu then gave me the Bank Account for the Masjid donations and I promised that I would publish this on our blog and will do an Ad Campaign to help finish the work on the Masjid.





Turkish Lira IBAN ACCOUNT#: TR69 0001 0019 2226 2573 90 - 5005

USD IBAN ACCOUNT#: TR58 0001 0019 2226 2573 9050 09

EURO IBAN ACCOUNT#: TR31 0001 0019 2226 2573 9050 10


Cukurova ilce Muftulugu iletisim: 322 235 07 93

The outer praying hall still requires completion

لماذا يأخذ مسجد رمضان اوغلو الجديد اكثر من ٨ سنوات لينتهي تشييده؟

منذ سنتين وعند لقائي مفتي منطقة شوكوروفا في أضنة تركيا لأول مرة بينما كنت اكتشف أضنة كان من المتوقع ان يتم انهاء مسجد رمضان اوغلو الجديد في أضنة هذا العام اذا استطاعو ان يحصلو على التبرعات الكافية لتكملة المشروع.  فقررت ان انتظر الى عام ٢٠١٥ لتنظيم لم شمل العائلة وأخذ المزيد من الوقت للبحث عن تاريخ العائلة وعن مواقع افرادها حول العالم.

واليوم عند لقائي المفتي مجدداً وجدت ان المسجد ما زال يحتاج للمزيد من التبرعات لكي ينتهي البناء.  لم يتذكر اول رحلة وجيزة لي وقتها وكان متفاجئاً لزيارتي له ومسروراً جداً ...

وكان لي هذا الحديث مع سعادة المفتي حسين غون بمساعدة مترجم فأتمنى ان تكون الترجمة صحيحة - (المعلومات بين قوسين هي معلومات اضافية من جراء ابحاثي ولم تكن جزءاً من الحديث):

سعادة المفتي:
منذ ٨ سنوات ونحن نبني هذا المسجد بتبرعات من ابناء مدينة أضنة وهو ثاني اكبر مسجد في أضنة من بعد مسجد الصابونجي الذي يعد من اكبر ٥ مساجد في العالم (التي اعطيت الارض لبنائه من قبل اوقاف رمضان اوغلو).   لقد قررنا مع مديرية اوقاف تركيا ان نسميه مسجد رمضان اوغلو (بني رمضان) تكريماً لعطاءات العائلة للمنطقة عبر التاريخ.

يتابع المفتي:
 يتسع المسجد ل٤٠٠٠ مصلي ويحتوي على قاعة رمضان اوغلو للمؤتمرات تتسع ل٦٠٠ شخص كما مكتبة رمضان اوغلو الاسلامية الكبيرة.  لقد تم صرف ١٥ مليون ليرة تركي (حوالي ٨ مليون دولار) عليه الى اليوم ولكنه مازال يحتاج الى مليوني ليرة  (٨٠٠ الف دولار) لإتمام بناءه وتوقفت التبرعات.

سامر رمضان اوغلو:
ولماذا توقفت التبرعات؟

كان ابناء أضنة يتوقعون مساهمة اكبر من ابناء عائلة رمضان في بناء المسجد والنبرعات كانت ضئيلة جداً وبات الناس يتسائلون لماذا حتى انه اتى متبرع ثري ليعطينا ٥ مليون ليرة شرط تغيير اسم المسجد لصالح عائلته.

سامر رمضان اوغلو:
المشكلة انه لم يبقى من عائلة رمضان اوغلو في أضنة اكثر من ٣٥ شخص في أضنة واكثرهم كبار في السن كما اكثرهم علمانيون لا يترددون الى المساجد وعليكم الوصول الى افراد العائلة التي هاجر معظمهم من اضنة منذ اكثر من مئة سنة ومن بدايات حروب عصابات الارمن عام ١٨٥٠ ومن بعد ذلك هرب من تبقى اثر غزو فرنسا لأضنة عام ١٩١٤ واحتلالهم لمنزل العائلة عندما شنقو من استطاعو ان يوقفوا من افراد العائلة... عزيزي المفتي كيف لبني رمضان ان يعلمو بمشكلة انهاء تمويل هذا المسجد وهم لا يعلمون حتى من اين أتو؟ الكل يعتبر ان عائلة بني رمضان كبيرة جداً وهي فعلاً كبيرة بالإسم ولكن اليوم في أضنة باتت من الأصغر في العدد.  هل تعلم ان فرع الشجرة في بيروت يضم امثر من ٥٠٠ فرد حتى ان لدينا فرع في اكوادور يتضمن اكثر من ضعفي عدد افراد العائلة في أضنة...

المفتي: هز رأسه موافقاً

سامر رمضان اوغلو:
يا سعادة المفتي احب ان اعلمك ان ابناء رمضان ما زالو معطائين اينما سافروا والعديد منهم ساهم في بناء المساجد وأخي الشقيق زياد  جزاه الله خيراً كان من اكبر المساهمين في بناء ثالث اكبر مسجد في امريكا ولكن اكثرهم لا يعلم ان تاريخهم من أضنة والغالبية الكبرى لم تأتي ابداً الى تركيا.
انني أحاول تنظيم لم شمل للعائلة بحدث تاريخي ليستطيع كل افراد العائلة معرفة جذورهم الأصيلة ولكننا لا نعلم وجود مشكلة انهاء تمويل هذا المسجد... على برنامجنا موعد زيارة هذا المسجد بعض ظهر يوم الجمعة وبإمكانك ان تتكلم عن المسجد وأنا أوكد لك ان اي فرد من الأسرى يشتطيع التبرع لن يتخازل بإذن الله فهذه صدقة جارية...

سبحان الله بالأنس رأيت في منامي ضوءاً صاطعاً وصوت يقول لي إطمئن سينتهي بناء المسجد... واليوم انت تأتي لتقول لي انك تنظم لم شمل عالمي للعائلة ليأتو الى أضنة وعلى برنامجكم زيارة الجامع؟!!!

سامر رمضان اوغلو:
سبحان الله اشقعر بدني على ما اخبرتني به... ربنا يوفقنا لما يرضاه ويرتضي به

حبذا لو يكون برنامج عشاؤكم لليوم الاول لدينا في قاعة رمضان اوغلو للمؤتمرات وبإمكاننا ان ندعو ايضاً الوالي والفاعلين وكبار شخصيات أضنة للقاء ابناء رمضان فالجميع يكن الاحترام والتقدير لعائلتكم الموقرة والعريقة.

سامر رمضان اوغلو:

أبشر... بإذن الله نتعشى في هذا المسجد أول يوم. 





Turkish Lira IBAN ACCOUNT#: TR69 0001 0019 2226 2573 90 - 5005

USD IBAN ACCOUNT#: TR58 0001 0019 2226 2573 9050 09

EURO IBAN ACCOUNT#: TR31 0001 0019 2226 2573 9050 10


Cukurova ilce Muftulugu iletisim: 322 235 07 93

Thursday, March 5, 2015

BOOK HERE: MAY 1-3 Confirmed Schedule of 1st International Ramazanoglu Family Reunion and Heritage Tour 2015 - ADANA


Dear Cousins,

Now that we have confirmed the schedule of the First International Ramazanoglu Family Reunion and Heritage Tour for Friday to Sunday May 1 to May 3! Yey!




May 1, is labor day, and members of the labor party are likely to come to Adana prior to elections, so I cannot guarantee rooms at the Hilton if you reserve late.

You all need to arrive Thursday April 30th the night before.

Hilton Hotel Adana (5 Stars)

Reunion and Heritage Tour Package Prices are set as follows:

A0 - @USD$245 per person for Package Only - Excluding Hotel B&B (book your own Hotel).


B1 - @USD$175 per person for Day-1 (May 1) only events without Hotel B&B
      Includes: Family Mansion, Group Picture, Ulu Cami, Ramazanoglu Bazar,        Family Lunch, Yag Cami, New Grand Ramazanoglu Cami,        Formal Dinner with local Dignitaries + Commemorative Pin & Polo Shirt.

C1 - @USD$75 per person for 1/2 Day (May1) only events without Hotel B&B       includes: Family Mansion, Group Picture, Ulu Cami, Ramazanoglu Bazar, plus Family       (no Commemorative pin or Commemorative Polo shirt included)

A0 - Package without Hotel B&B is $245 and includes:
  1. Three nice separate Family Lunches for all.
  2. Formal Dinner*
  3. Nice Buss Transportation (Internal Transportation)
  4. Banners on Busses and behind the Mansion for the Picture
  5. Printing of a large updated family tree from (work on it will continue until event time)
  6. Public Relation Costs and Media Management
  7. Three Trips by the organizer to Adana/Tarsus/Kozan and Mount Taurous to arrange everything
  8. Print invitations to major contributors of the new Grand Ramazanoglu Mosque to join our Dinner in thanks to their contributions, and cover their Dinner cost
  9. Trip to Ankara to invite Government officials
  10. Commemorative Polo Shirts, Hats and Pins for everyone
  11. Any unforeseen expense
  12. Photography & Video
  13. 4-5 Media guests to come along with us
  14. Cost of hosting research historian Cezmi Yurtsevir and his staff with us – who promised to cover the event in a historical TV show.
  15. Miscellaneous costs
  16. Also everyone will receive a complementary copy of the Turkish book that was translated to Arabic by Cousin Subhi Ramadan Titled: The Ramadan Kingdom.

The costs are based on 100 members participating; any leftover money will go to fund additional research to create the Ramadanids Book.

Please click on this link to Reserve a Booking or click here. 

PRICE is for paid reservations before March 15, 2015 - After March 15 only Package without Hotel B&B will be available.

Package Price is excluding Turkish 18% VAT (KDV Taxes) and excluding Air Travel.


Plan to arrive the night before on Thursday April 30, because our first day is full and eventful, so you need to look good for the Formal Dinner and Group Picture Taking.



From Outside Lebanon:
If you wish a travel agent to service you, we are working with IKLIM TUR in Istanbul, they can help you find best flight options: Contact Mr. Yavuz Ozdemir @ +905305415082 or email him at:

NOTE: IKLIM TUR is also arranging additional extended Toursim packages such as Cappadocia and Istanbul for those who wish to do so.

From Inside Lebanon:
Contact National Travel in Tripoli to book your tickets, call Mr. Yahya Krayem @03 690730

From Inside Istanbul:
Well there are great VIP bus services to Adana and numerous internal air carriers such as Pegasus, Atlasjet and Borajet.


From Beirut:

Your best bet is to get a direct flight from Beirut to Adana on Borajet at: roundtrip from Beirut should be under USD $300 - there is a daily flight.

From Other Countries: 

Check if you have direct flights to Adana, if not, you will have to fly to Istanbul.
It may be more expensive to purchase a Istanbul connecting flight to Adana, try checking prices for flight to Istanbul, then purchase another ticket on an internal airlines like Atlasjet ot Pegasus Airlines ( to Adana.

For those traveling on a budget, the Bus transportation in Turkey have great service and are very comfortable, it takes about 12 hrs from Istanbul to Adana by Bus.


Please click on this link or click here. 


Planned Reunion and Tour Schedule:

Day 0: THURSDAY - Arrivals 

Afternoon or Evening, arrive to Adana and settle in Hotel.  You will need to take a Taxi to Hilton Hotel from Airport (of Bosnali Hotel, will inform you in advance) - Taxi should be about 30-40 TL ($12-$17) (10-15 min).

I will greet you at the lobby of the Hotel to get you your room, Inshallah.

Day 1: FRIDAY - Adana Tour

7:00-8:45 am
Breakfast at Hilton or Bosnali Hotel (likely the Hilton - will know once numbers are in and we book)

9:00 am
Take a walk across the ancient roman foot bridge to visit:
- Ramazanoglu Konagi (Reunion & Presentation and Souvenir Picture)
This is the 520 years old Family Mansion, where Sultan Selim and Sultan Suleyman stayed as guests.
- Ramazanoglu Medresesi
A school established by the family over 500 years ago to teach Koran, still operating.
- Ulu Cami  
First built by Prince Halil son of Ramadan, it also houses his Tomb.
- Ramazanoglu Koleji
A school established by the family foundation and gives many scholarships.

1:00-2:00 pm: 
Friday Prayer at Ulu Cami

2:00-3:30 pm:
Lunch at Restaurant in old Ramazanoglu Bazar - Special Adana Kebab. (price included in the package - Halal food and no Alcohol)
Family gatherings is about fun and eating together, this is the first of 3 lunches during the tour. This restaurant is at the heart of the Shopping Bazars established by the Ramazanoglu family over 500 years ago.  We will also take a walk through the bazar and over 300 shops that reportedly still belongs to the family foundation.

3:30 pm - Walk thru old bazars to Yag Cami.
Yag Cami, was the first Mosque established by the family in Adana, it was a converted and expanded church.

4:30 pm take the Bus to the new Grand Ramazanoglu Cami at Turgut Ozal Blvd.
This is a very large mosque funded by the good people of Adana and named Ramazanoglu Cami to honor the family and its rich history of giving and generosity and contribution to society and religion.

6:00 pm - Formal Dinner at the Convention Hall of the New GRAND RAMAZANOGLU CAMI
Where we will be joined by welcoming dignitaries from Adana and hosted by the Mufti.  We will invite Turkish Government officials and major contributors to the building of the mosque, proceeds from the dinner will be given as donations towards completion of the Cami (mosque).

8:30 pm - Return to Hilton Hotel.

Ucok Cemetery - where elders settled (about 900 years ago)

Day 2: Saturday - Old Ucuk Cemetery & Kozan Tour

7:00-8:45 am
Breakfast at Hilton or Bosnali Hotel - to be announced.

9:00 am 
Take Bus to Ucuk Cemetery 15 Km southeast of Adana

9:20-10:30 am
Visit the 800-900 years old Uçok Cemetery and the first settlement Uçok Tribe Cave
This is from the time of first settlers in the late 12th century.

10:30 am
Take Bus to Kozan (Old SIS, the Capital of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia that was conquered by Ibrahim sone of Sheikh Ramadan in 1352 AD. - about 70 km northeast of Adana)

11:45-12:30 pm 
Stop at the Buyuk Cami, in Kozan (first Mosque built by Ramazanoglu during Memluks time under Emir Davud Ramazanoglu)

12:30-2:30 pm  Family Lunch 2
Fun Family Picnic lunch at the park at the foot of the Kozan Castle that Prince Ibrahim Ramazanoglu Conquered.  Beautiful place and scenery.

View from top of the Armenian Kingdom Sis Castle - Conquered by Prince Ibrahim son of Sheikh Ramadan

2:30-5:30 pm
Visit the Kozan Castle - it is a Hike - so you need sneakers or comfortable shoes.

5:30-7:00 pm
Take Bus back to Hilton Hotel. (Dinner is on your own, as some groups will want to explore and take more time to get to know one another better)

Day 3: Sunday - Tarsus and Çamliyayla Namrun Dag tour

Breakfast at Hilton or Bosnali Hotel

9:00 am
Take BUS to Tarsus City (50 km west of Adana)

9:45-12:15 pm 
Visit Ulu Cami (built by Prince Ibrahim Ramazanoglu (most in Beirut, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria are descendants from Emir Ibrahim), Eski Cami, Prince Kubad Pasha Ramazanoglu Medresesi, Tombs of Seth and Daniel. 
(All within walking distance)

Tarsus Ulu Cami - Great Mosque (built by Prince Ibrahim Ramazanoglu - where also exists the Tomb of Seth, son of Adam)
12:15-1:30 pm 
Head by Bus to beautiful summer haven Çamliyayla/Mersin in Namrun Dag (Mount Namrun, 70 km north of Tarsus) and Mount Gulek where our family used to spend the hot summers

1:30 pm Family Lunch Day3
Have lunch in Mount Gulek with beautiful amazing scenery overlooking the vast lands that the family foundation owned and ruled.

Camliyayla in Namrun Dag, where many Ramazanoglus used to spend the hot summers.
3:30 pm 
Head to Camliyayla, Namrun Dag Castle by Bus, stop to take photo in downtown Camliyayla.

5:00-7:00 pm 
Head back by Bus to Hotel to Adana 

Fly Back Home

If extra night required due to flight schedules let me know, also some of you may need to be at the Airport by 3:30 pm  and may miss the trip to the mountain, I also need to know.

Ramazanoglu Family Reunion - Adana 2015 Logo

Ramazanoglu (means Son of Ramadan), Ramazanogullari (means Sons or Children of Ramadan - plural)
The logo represents the Kestrel Falcon and the Three Silver Arrows (Ucok) which are the symbols of the family handed down to us from Oghuz Han. 

You can save and use this Logo for Profile Image

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Map of the Princedom (Emirate) of Ramazanogullari

In my ongoing search for writing the Ramadanids Book, I found this old map from the time Prince Ibrahim conquered the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and it became the Sons of Ramadan Princedom, and some call it Kingdom.

I have a high resolution A2 size copy, if anyone of you is interested in receiving a print, please let me know. It is nice to frame and keep.

It shows the Area (the darkened section across from Cyprus) where Ramazanoglu ruled, the emirate was 5 times the size of Lebanon, as you can see from the Map.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

All Family Members Are Encouraged to Attend the Ramazanoglu Reunion. Spouses and Children are welcomed especially 6+

Members of the Ramadan, Ramazanoglu, Ramazanzade Family are encouraged to bring their 6+ Children to the First Ramazanoglu Family Reunion in Adana 2015.

If your budget allows, you are highly encouraged to bring your spouse and all Children above 6 years of age.

You may bring your whole family if you wish, but 6+ children will never forget this trip and will have a special section in memory about their roots.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

First Ramazanoglu (Ramadan & Ramazanzade) International Family Reunion and Heritage Tour Coming Up

2015 has arrived.  The best weather to make a trip to Adana, Turkey is in May.


So we decided to set the tentative date for the First Ramazanoglu International Family Reunion in Adana from April 30 to May 4, 2015 and till May 5 for extended Tour.

Ulu Cami in Adana - The Great Mosque (built by Prince Halil and Prince Piri Ramazanoglu - 500 years ago)
If you are a Ramadan from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Falestine, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, North America, South America, Europe, or literally anywhere else in the world and you know that you are of Turkish Origin, this will be of interest to you and your family.

Our family name in Turkey prior to 1914 was RamazanZade, starting in 1936 family names ending with Zade were banned for they denote a Son from house of rule or royalty, and everyone had to use their FatherName+Oglu... then in 1938 Turkish law allowed the use of Ramazanoglu + Ramazanogullari to whoever wanted, but this complicated matters as not all changed back to Ramazanzade and many non-Ramazanoglu became Ramazanoglu.

In other countries such as Lebanon, they had to drop Zade and they kept Ramadan.

Some descendants of Prince Piri Mehmet Pasha's Great Grand Daughters also took on the Ramazanoglu last name in 1938, but most of them are really HassanPashZade in accordance to their Y-chromosomal lineage, but they remain cousins and are welcomed to the reunion.

June 2013 Ramazanoglu Family Reunion in Adana (primarily Turkish Families of today)

Current research shows only one family in Turkey which had the Ramazanzade surname, and this is our true Y-chromosomal Lineage Ottoman Royal Turkish Family.  So if you believe you belong let us know why and read on...

Ramazanoglu Konagi in Adana - Ranazanoglu Mansion (built 520 years ago)

Now that the new Ramazanoglu Mosque is nearly completed, it is a great opportunity to all meet one another and take a chance to tour and learn about the family heritage.

Samer Osman Ramazanoglu who inherited the job of family historian from the late Sharif Ramadan in Beirut has spent the past 4 years researching the family history in hopes of organizing this reunion/heritage tour and publish a high-end Coffee Table Art Book about the Ramazanoglu Family and Heritage.

In 2013, Samer helped organize a Turkish Family reunion where 65 family members gathered in Adana.  This year, it is time for the First International Family Reunion.

لم شمل بني رمضان العالمي الاول وجولة تراثية في تاريخ العائلة
المدعووين: أحفاد بني رمضان ذات الجذور التركية (اناث وذكور)

العائلات المشتقة من بني رمضان: رمضان، بن رمضان، رمضان اوغلو، رمضان زادة

وصلت سنة ٢٠١٥ المنتظرة وافضل وقت لزيارة اضنة في تركيا عندما يكون الطقس الجميل وهو في اوائل شهر أيار (مايو)

التاريخ المبدئي للم الشمل والجولة حددناه من ٣٠ نيسان والى ٤ أيار من هذه السنة ٢٠١٥ والى ٥ أيار لمن يريد ان يقضي ايام اضافية في رحلة سياحية الى كابادوكيا ومرسين.

 فإذا كنت تنتمي الى عائلة رمضان التركية الأصل من أضنة نود ان نسمع منك ...والمعلوم ان بني رمضان هاجرو الى بلاد كثيرة منها سوريا (لولاية امراءها لدمشق وحلب) ومصر لولاية احد باشاتها لمصر وآخر للسودان وابناء رمضان تبوؤا مناصب كبيرة في خدمة العثمانيين في لبنان وفلسطين وذلك منذ وقت السلطان سليم ومن بعده السلطان سليمان القانوني... وهناك من هاجر الى المملكة العربية السعودية.

ومنذ منتصف القرن التاسع عشر والى حلول الحرب العالمية هاجر العديد من ابناء رمضان الى جميع ارجاء المعمورة ومنهم من هاجر الى القارة الأمريكية في شمالها وجنوبها.

في سنة ١٩٣٦ ومع بداية العمل بقانون الاحوال الشخصية الذي سنه مصطفى كمال منع القانون استعمال زادة في الاسم لأنه يعني ابن الاصيل خلافاً عن اوغلو الذي يعني ابن فقط.  وقبل عام ١٩٣٦ كان اسم افراد العائلة من صلب الذكور يستخدمون اسم رمضان زادة اسماً للعائلة... اما بعد عام ١٩٣٦ تم منع استعمال هذا الاسم ففي لبنان تم حزف زادة وبقي رمضان اما في تركيا فالكثير استخدم اسم ابيه بدل اسم العائلة والبعض اختار رمضان اوغلو او رمضان اوغيلليري كإسماً للعائلة.

بالاجماع عائلة رمضان العريقة البيروتية منحدرين من عائلة رمضان زادة السنية التركية.  آل رمضان الشيعة في لبنان بعضهم اصلهم من شمال جنوب السعودية والبعض من الكويت ومنهم من البحرين ولا ينتسبون لعائلتنا.  البعض الأخر جاء من مردين ومنسوبون الى جد ليس ببعيد بإسم رمضان وهم ايضاً لا ينتسبون لعائلتنا.

في عام ١٩٣٨ احل القانون التركي اي شخص ان يتخذ اي اسم عائلة يريده فقرر العديد من احفاد بني رمضان الإناث ان يتبنو اسم عائلة بني رمضان بينما في الحقيقة اغلبهم من بني حسان باشا زادة.

البحث الذي اجريته في تركيا يظهر وجود عائلة واحدة باسم رمضان زادة المنسوبة للشيخ رمضان ابن يورغير وهو من ابناء عم ارتغرل والد السلطان عثمان الأول.

انتظرنا لعام ٢٠١٥ لأنها السنة التي من المفروض ان يتم فيها انتهاء تعمير جامع كبير وجديد باسم جامع بني رمضان وذلك نكريماً لعائلة رمضان من الحكومة التركية لعطاءاتها عبر التاريخ.

عام ٢٠١٣ لقد ساهمت في تنظيم لم شمل العائلة التي ما تزال في تركيا فوجدت نفسي في اجتماع بين ابناء حسان باشا زادة كما بين لنا بروفيسور يلماز كورت عميد كلية التاريخ في جامعة انقرة والذي كتب اطروحة الدكتوراه عن العائلة...فبتت الوحيد من بني رمضان في لم الشمل هذا الذي كان من صلب الذكور.

البرنامج يتضمن ٤ ايام واربع ليالي...

المتوقع ان نحجز غرف في فندق الهيلتون ٥ نجوم او في اوتيل بوتيك جميل اسمه بوسنالي اوتيل وذلك اذا سمح العدد لذلك.


Adana Hilton Hotel SA (5 Stars)

Set Dates:

I am also studying costs of creating Family Crest Pins for all and Special Family Crest Rings for Men.   Will also study costs of distributing a printout of an updated Family Tree.  And see if we can make copies of the Arabic version of the Ramazanoglu Kingdom Book that Cousin Subhi translated from Turkish book and produced.

Proceeds from the Reunion and Tour will fund ongoing research to write and publish the high quality Ramazanoglu Heritage Art Book.

This is a very customized special reunion and family heritage tour.

Planned Reunion and Tour Schedule:

Day 0: THURSDAY - Arrivals 

Afternoon or Evening, arrive to Adana and settle in Hotel.

MAY 1 - Day 1: FRIDAY - Adana Tour

7:00-8:45 am
Breakfast at Hilton or Bosnali Hotel

9:00 am
Take a walk across the ancient roman bridge to visit:
- Ramazanoglu Konagi (Reunion & Presentation and Souvenir Picture)
- Ramazanoglu Medresesi
- Ulu Cami  
- Ramazanoglu Koleji

1:00-2:00 pm: 
Friday Prayer at Ulu Cami

2:00-3:30 pm:
Lunch at Restaurant in old Ramazanoglu Bazar

3:30 pm - Walk thru old bazars to Yag Cami.

4:30 pm take the Bus to Ramazanoglu Cami at Turgut Ozal Blvd.

6:00 pm - Take Bus to Restaurant for Reunion Dinner Place (TBD).

8:30 pm - Return to Hilton Hotel.

Ucok Cemetery - where elders settled (about 900 years ago)

May 2 - Day 2: Saturday - Old Ucuk Cemetery & Kozan Tour

7:00-8:45 am
Breakfast at Hilton or Bosnali Hotel

9:00 am 
Take Bus to Ucuk Cemetery 15 Km southeast of Adana

9:20-10:30 am
Visit the 800-900 years old Uçok Cemetery and the first settlement Uçok Tribe Cave

10:30 am
Take Bus to Kozan (Old SIS, the Capital of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia that was conquered by Ibrahim sone of Sheikh Ramadan in 1352 AD. - about 70 km northeast of Adana)

11:45-12:30 pm 
Stop at the Buyuk Cami, in Kozan (first Mosque built by Ramazanoglu during Memluks time)

12:30-2:30 pm
Family Picnic lunch at the park at the foot of the Kozan Castle that Prince Ibrahim Ramazanoglu Conquered.

View from top of the Armenian Kingdom Sis Castle - Conquered by Prince Ibrahim son of Sheikh Ramadan

2:30-5:30 pm
Visit the Kozan Castle

5:30-7:00 pm
Take Bus back to Hilton Hotel.

Tarsus Ulu Cami - Great Mosque (built by Prince Ibrahim Ramazanoglu - where also exists the Tomb of Seth, son of Adam)

May 3 - Day 3: Sunday - Tarsus and Çamliyayla Namrun Dag tour

Breakfast at Hilton or Bosnali Hotel

9:00 am
Take BUS to Tarsus City (50 km west of Adana)

9:45-12:15 pm 
Visit Ulu Cami (built by Prince Ibrahim Ramazanoglu, Eski Cami, Prince Kubad Pasha Ramazanoglu Medresesi, Tombs of Seth and Daniel. 
(All within walking distance)

Camliyayla in Namrun Dag, where many Ramazanoglus used to spend the hot summers.

12:15-1:30 pm 
Head by Bus to beautiful summer haven Çamliyayla/Mersin in Namrun Dag (Mount Namrun, 70 km north of Tarsus)

1:30 pm
Have lunch at the Camliyayla Top Restaurant next to the Forest.

4:00 pm 
Head to Namrun Dag Castle by Bus, stop to take photo in downtown Camliyayla

5:00-7:00 pm 
Head back by Bus to Hotel to Adana 


Price is $245 per person for Reunion and Tour Package Only (Without Air fare and without Hotel B&B),   Day-1 Only Option: $175, and Economy Reunion 1/2 day: $75.

Click Here to check for final schedule and pricing.

Click Here to Book a Reservation.

Please let me know how many members of the family would be interested. As it will help in the planning and hotel bookings.


if interested email me at:

or become a member of this Facebook Group: Ramazanoglu2015

Note: if enough people sign in from Lebanon, we can reserve a Direct Charter Flight from Beirut to Adana.