Honoring Family Historian Sharif Ramadan

In Honor of the late Uncle Sharif Ramadan who passed away this past summer at 94 years of age.

I met uncle Sharif about 4 years ago, he had no children of his own, so he cared for each Ramadan in the family as if it was his own child.

I used to visit him every other week and spend with him hours learning about the history of our honorable family.  He was a wealth of knowledge about the family.

He used to read the newspapers searching for any news about any family member and when he finds anything he used to cut it out and save it in his files.

He wrote the birthdate of every Ramadan he knew, he recorded their jobs, their weddings, and even their deaths and kept the obituary announcements.

He followed the news of every Ramadan the way everyone of us follows the news of his children,

He was ethical, polite, and had a great spirit, I fell in love with him from the bottom of my heart.

He was very sad that the family became disconnected and separated, everyone looking after himself, he had sorrow in his heart about the current status of the family, a family that was once one of Beirut's most honorable, and richest families.  He was upset that family members did not care anymore.

Before he passed away, I promised him I will carry on with the work he has started and that I shall do more research, and I shall do my best to reunite the family.  Inshallah, I will not let all his work go to waste.

I promised him that I shall produce a high quality book about the family in his honor, and to use most of the information he gathered and kept.

When we meet in Adana, our meeting would be only possible because of Uncle Sharif and ofcourse first and foremost the will of Allah.

May Allah bless his sole and make him enter paradise, and may Allah help us continue the path.

تحية للعم شريف رمضان رحمة الله عليه والذي توفي نهاية الصيف الماضي عن عمر يناهز ال٩٤ سنة

منذ حوالي اربع سنوات تعرفت على العم شريف الذي قدر الله ان لا  يكون له اولاداً فآثر ان يعتبر كل فرد من ابناء اسرة بني رمضان في بيروت واحداً من اولاده

كنت ازوره كل اسبوع او آخر لأتعلم منه عن تاريخ اسرتنا الكريمة

كان بحراً من العلم عن الأسرة

كان يقرأ الجرائد باحثاً عن اي خبر عن اي فرد من العائلة واذا وجد معلومة كان يقتصها ويحتفظ بها

كان يدون تاريخ كل مولود يستطيع ان يعلم به وكل وظيفة لكل فرد وكل فرحة وعند الوفاة كان يحتفظ بالنعوات

كان يتابع اخبار بني رمضان فعلياً كما يتابع الانسان اخبار اولاده من صلبه

انساناً خلوقاً مهذباً جميل الروح احببته من كل قلبي

كان يتأسف وقلبه يدمع كيف تغيرت امور العائلة وكيف كانت من ارقى الأسر في بيروت ومن ثم تفرقت وبات لا احد يهتم

توفي وقلبه محروق على تشتت الأسرة وقبل وفاته وعدته انني سأحاول جهدي لأن أجمع الأسرة وان اكمل الطريق الذي بدأه وأنني بإذن الله لن أضيع له اجر اهتمامه بهذه الأسرة الكريمة

وتكريماً له وعدته بأنني سأعمل على لم شمل الأسرة بما يرضى به الله سبحانه وتعالى
وعدته بأن اصنع كتابا فاخراً عن الاسرة لكي يضم العديد من المعلومات التي احتفظ بها

نحن بإذن الله سنجتمع في أضنة بسبب العم شريف وتكريماً له بإذن الله رحمه الله سبحانه وتعالى

جعل الله العم شريف في فسيح جناته وندعو الله ان يساعدنا على اتمام مسيرته

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