Where Do Ramazanzade Come From?

Interesting Discoveries and Indicators:

While searching the catalogue of the Ottoman Archives for the family name Ramazanzade for all categories, here are some interesting findings from the results.

I found only 130 records, of which 78% were related to Ramazanzade Vakfi or Ramazanzade Piri Mehmet Pasha ve Halil Pasha and Ibrahim Bey while the other 22% were related to recent related family members.

Names Highlighted in Green Were the Names Found in the Ottoman Archives as Majority names of search results of "Beyrut Ramazan" or "Ramazanzade" within the Ottoman Archives Catalogue. - Note: Munib is highlighted in green by error, iA Munih was supposed to be highlighted from the same generation, but is not listed on this tree, which made me curious where does Munih (or Menih) fits? 

Of the Ramazanzade Evkafi, 94% were Cukurova based Evkafi, and 6% for Ramazanzade Edirne-based Vakfi.  Of which 9 records mentioned Ibrahim Bey son of Piri Mehmed Pasha as a Ramazanzade.

For persons other than Piri Mehmed Pasha, his father Halil or his son Ibrahim, there was 22% mention of recent Ramazanzade family members - of which 41% were Adana-Based and majority 59% were Ramazanzade from my family in Beirut (majority are descendants of Omer Aga (son of Mehmed Aga).

Then I conducted a research on "Beyrut Ramazan", the results were further astonishing - 78 records were found, of which 37% were related to the actual Ramazan month either as a date or as the holiday after Ramazan (therefore unrelated).

But the remaining 61% were: 53.3%  family names and 7.7% for persons first names.

Of the family names listed as Ramazan family from beirut in the ottoman archives, a whopping 93% are actually all my own Ramazanzade family (with greater majority over 80% from Omer Aga, the Father of Abdulgani Efendi who is my Grand Father's Grand Father)

Another Important Finding:  Within the Ottoman Archives, after 1820 AD. Ramazanzade family members can only be found in Adana and Beirut Velayeti - it seemed to me from what I was able to understand that no other mention in another place found.

The above statistics and discoveries are strong indicators to belonging to the Ramazanogullari from Adana.

What is even more interesting is that if we search for the term "Ramazanoğlu" in all categories, we get only 106 records, 24 less than when the term "Ramazanzade"is searched.

The above tree was put together by family elders along with family historian Sharif Ramadan, I have been working on updating it.

A document dated 1259 H. was found listing a sale of property by Omer Aga son of Mehmed Aga Ramadan to his son Abdulgeni Efendi, thru generation calculations, it is possible that Mehmed Aga was born anywhere from 1170 to 1180 H.  This is the last documented ancestor we have in Beirut as I continue the trail to find links all the way to Ibrahim son of Piri Mehmed Pasha as many family Elders in Beirut claim they are from as this information is passed on from father to son.

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